Monday, July 2, 2012

Been a long time.

The beginning of this year one of my girlfriends' and I decided it would be the "YeAr oF cHaNgE."  Thus far, I'd say there have been some changes in our lives. I think we are waiting for the next big ones.

to include some of both of our changes:
new room
old room
new semi-permanent guests
relief society
release from callings
new calling
elder's quorum
trips out of california
investigations and relationships with the opposite sex
social inclusions

Personally, I've discovered the love of my life, not just a friend I call the love of my life or the many people that one can fall in love with.  I didn't think it was possible and I still marvel. I still doubt, but the story hasn't concluded yet. I feel like the trials have now really begun, like in those Disney movies, where the couple meet and maybe aren't completely open but know something will happen and then trials and antagonists and whatnot come and then they become who they were meant to be and it all ends in a wedding.  I am specifically thinking of Aladdin.

So love, I used to think I knew what love was, but maybe it was because deep inside I knew it was all artificial in front of me.  Now, it's completely not what I expected and I don't know where to go.  But maybe I am just lost in a fog or a maze of thorns.

Here is a painting to spy: Folsom Lake

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